For some odd, maladaptive reason, I still think Bret Michaels wields serious intelligence.
I hung on to that opinion/delusion through seasons one and two of his VH1 semi-reality "searching for love" series, "Rock Of Love". The girls demonstrated classic reality TV lack of impulse control, lack of emotional control, lack of fashion sense, and badly oversized breast implants. Still, a few hinted at carefully disguised smarts and adult reasoning processes under all the hair. To watch natural camera magnet Michaels, to see his sense of the absurd do some dancing with the girls who got it -- tuning in was almost worth the time.
This season, "Rock Of Love" stepped out of the comic-book mansion and boarded a slew of tour buses for "Rock Of Love, Bus".
The bus poses no problem. The concert sequences give the big bang. Michaels is better on camera than ever, on stage or off.
Michaels' lady contestants? The casting stinks to high heaven.
The girls seem as if any sense of self-worth was surgically removed before they were hired. The bitchy meow behavior goes on incessantly. Fights end up noisier, meaner, and creepily humor-free. Drinking too much is never considered "too much".
Mixing "trouble" girls with brighter bulbs made everything more interesting and less predictable for seasons one and two. Bret, Bret. You've got years of a great TV career in front of you if you don't squander it away on a compulsive preference for huge breasts with a side of serious personality disorders.
Your "girls" can't do any better. You can.
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