Andy Dick had a happy moment during tonight's episode of "Sober House" (VH-1). House residents' team leader Jennifer was exploding verbally onto resident Seth during a house outing to a paintball game.
Andy stood close enough for a front row view of Jennifer's hurt and anger. He was smiling.
"I love to see people get upset," he said to the camera crew. Then it was something like "I don't know why, but I do."
Thank you, Mr. Dick -- you bullseyed my problem with a lot of reality series.
I love watching people handle competition. I love watching people make big strides in beating their demons, needless inhibitions, career obstacles, etc.. I love watching people find out how to manage big talent, how to manage disappointment about the limits of that talent. If any of it makes me laugh, all the better.
But I don't laugh watching other people melt down. Even if they're being self-indulgent drama kings or queens, which is often the case on reality shows, I feel empathy pangs at times. Self-indulgent drama is a personal talent I'm in the process of extracting. Still, you can book me for possession.
I've seen Andy Dick do the same theatrical melt-down dance that Jennifer was doing, so why was it funny for him to watch her? He seems to like her a great deal, actually. Not today, however.
I know, I know. I'm not supposed to empathize. TV critics always say that these "cast members" are merely exhibitionists. They swear they're trying to get sober or win money for charity or whatever. Actually, the critics shrug, they're just trying to get jumper cables for their careers.
Still, there's some reality in a good deal of reality television. I don't know if Jennifer was being a drama queen tonight or not.
I just know that a version of her straitjacket still fits me. Hopefully, not too much longer.
Mood Meter: down 2 points.